

Welcome to the on-line "home" of Scouts BSA Troop 142 located in Lititz, PA!



Scouts BSA Troop 142 is comprised of Troop 142B (boys) and Troop 142G (girls).

The troops share resources (Troop Committee and Equipment) and combine for

weekly troop meeting openings and closings but otherwise operate independently

from one another with their own youth leaders, scoutmasters and activities.

Pay us a visit to find out more!

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We encourage you to read the MENU selection "About Us" page to the left

of this page and visit our "Eagle's Nest"!

Please feel free to "Contact Us " should you have any questions or comments. 

 Yours In Scouting,

The Scouts and Leaders of Troop 142


HELP NEEDED - 10\16\2024

Posted on Oct 5 2024 - 8:48pm

We are still in need of help for the 10\16\2024 Roast Beef Dinner per the below:

Kitchen Help - Parents, Adult Pack & Troop Leaders and older Scouts from T142B/G.

Outside Help - Troop 142 Assistant Scoutmasters and Troop 142 Scouts  

Please go to the Roast Beef Dinner signup genius to see specific shifts and needs...


Any questions, contact Carrie Jo for Kitchen operations and Bob Fitz for outdoors help.

Thank you!

PS:  If you signed-up for a shift but need the information changed, please contact Carrie Jo.

Quick Notes

Posted on Oct 5 2024 - 8:45pm

Hard to believe that Summer is over - hope you all had an enjoyable one!

Several quick notes for Troop 142 Scouts, Parents, Leaders.  Detailed information to come will be posted this week.

It’s Popcorn Time!

Posted on Aug 12 2024 - 10:00pm

Good morning Troop 142-

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Bridget (Clyde's mom) and I'll be helping with popcorn this year. You should have received information in the mail by now but please let me know if you didn't. Scouts selling popcorn will get up to 33% of proceeds put into their scout account, which can be used to pay for trips, summer camp, etc. This is a great way for scouts to help pay their way (A scout is thrifty)! In order to help the scouts sell, I have set up several "show and sells" that you can now sign up for on the website. You also can reach out once the product arrives (August 24th) to do door to door sales. 
For "Show and Sells", please make sure that a parent will be there as I will not be able to stay for them. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out via email (bshadler@gmail.com) or cell (717.305.8084).


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