

About Us

BSA Troop 142, Lititz, PA was founded in 1967 by Thomas Lehmier, husband, father, Marine Corps veteran, professional BSA Scouter and our first Scoutmaster.  Tom passed away in November of 2013, he will be greatly missed.  With Tom and the rest of our leaders, Scouting has always been about "the scouts". 

Times have changed.  We are now called Scouts BSA Troops 142, We have added a Girl Troop to our organization which was founded by Candi Dirian in March of 2019.  This Troop has the same values, goals and philosophy as the Boy Troop.

Our troop has always been comprised of youths from various walks of life.  Although chartered through the St. James Catholic Church and having it as our base of operations, our arms have always been open to ALL youths regardless of their denomination.

Our scoutmasters understand the importance of their roles in providing guidance, leadership, growth opportunities and mentoring to our scouts.   On more than one occasion, our scoutmasters have noted that deep within a seemingly "difficult" youth is a great kid just trying to get out - and it’s their job to try and help them reach that goal.

We are also proud of the 170+ Eagle Scouts who have passed through our scouting program!

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Troop 142 meets most Thursday nights, September-July, at St. James Catholic Church in Lititz.  

Meetings normally run from 7:30-9:00pm and are held in Our Lady's Center. 


The Scout (youth) leaders of our troop normally meet the first Thursday of each month. It's at these meetings that meetings, outings, etc., are planned in detail.  The PLC is the troop’s elected and duly appointed governing body. Resting on their shoulders is the planning, preparation, and presentation of the troop’s Scouting program. It’s up to them to see that the promise of Scouting is delivered.  The SENIOR PATROL LEADER (SPL), elected by the scouts, are in charge of their troops.  They are assisted by one or more ASSISTANT SENIOR PATROL LEADERS (ASPL's) who are appointed by the SPL.  Elected PATROL LEADERS, TROOP GUIDE and any other positions the SPL deems necessary, comprise the PLC.  Adult Leaders are there to lend assistance and suggestions, but 


Troop 142B and 142G are scout-run troops, scouts plan and run all troop meetings and activities. In keeping with the spirit of scouting, scouts learn through doing. Our scouts are given the opportunity to lead, develop new skills, and assume responsibilities while teaching other scouts.  Scouts choose troop activities and plan how to do them, perhaps making mistakes along the way but learning from the process all the while. Troop 142's dedicated adult leadership is ever subtly present, ready to provide guidance and ensure safety when needed - "the support staff" of Troop 142 scouts who run the meetings.


Normally meets the first Monday of each month throughout the year.


We hold 3 Family Court of Honors (COH) yearly.  The Scouts work hard on their awards & we would like to acknowledge their accomplishments with a full house when they receive their awards.  We would appreciate the presence of at least one family member to be present on these occasions, even if “YOUR” son or daughter will not be receiving any awards.  

During the Rank Advancement ceremony, is the “Pinning of the Parent”.   This is unique to our troop and is something special, a parent receives a pin reflecting the rank awarded to their child.   Most proudly wear their pins to subsequent Courts of Honor.  Courts of Honor are a great opportunity to share information with the parents and we don’t want you to miss out. 

Above all else, a Court of Honor is a time for parents to show their support for the Scouts - their own son(s), daughter(s) and the entire troop.


These go hand in hand.  When a Scout participates in a majority of troop trips, campouts & weekly meetings, the Scout will advance.  We will encourage each Scout to advance but requires support at home.  We cannot replace parental love & pride, which helps each Scout! Please mark family calendars now to avoid as many conflicts as possible.  

The program year calendar is posted on this web site and may easily be printed or linked to your personal calendar.  "I/we didn't know" is no longer an excuse.  Like the old adage, we can only lead you to the "water" - it's up to you to "drink".


Scouts elect their own leaders; the terms are for a 6-month period. Elections are held twice a year.  

For the coveted Order of the Arrow honor society membership, Scouts are selected by their peers by secret ballot.


Generally, infractions are to be handled by the PLC with assistance from the Scout Master should it be required. The Scout Oath & Law are our guidelines, but parents will be notified of any serious infractions.


We encourage all scouts to earn the available religious medals/awards offered by their faiths.  As we are sponsored by St James Roman Catholic Church, Catholic Scouts are especially encouraged to achieve the following:

Ad Altare Dei Religious Emblem:  For Catholic Scouts who have completed 6th grade; a 9 month program (contact our troop Chaplain, ASM Chavez).

Pope Pius XII Religious Emblem:  For Catholic Scouts age 14 and older or in high school; an 8 month program (contact our troop Chaplain, ASM Chavez).

The P.R.A.Y. Program (Programs of Religious Activities with Youth) is offered for Protestant and Independent Scouts.  Scouts meet with their religious leaders in order to completed the required coursework.  Contact our troop Chaplain, ASM Chavez, if interested.

As the 12th point of the Scout Law is "A Scout Is Reverent", our intent is to offer the means so that ALL of our scouts can earn the religious emblems of their faith.

Should you have further questions regarding Troop 142, feel free to Contact Us!